Conveniently keep your licence, credit cards and more readily accessible when you add the Credit Card Holder for Phone to the back of your smartphone. This phone pocket has a thin and compact design, therefore it does not add extra bulk to your pocket or purse. The cell phone wallet pocket is 2.25 inches wide by 3.75 inches high, therefore it will conveniently fit on the back of most smartphones.
The credit card holder for phone is made of stretchy lycra fabric, that is designed to expand to fit headphones, credit cards, money and more. The contents of the pocket securely stay in place even when your phone is held upside down thanks to the lycra fabric construction. On the back of the cell phone wallet pocket is 3M self-adhesive, which securely attaches the pocket to the back of your phone or the back of a smooth phone case.
Credit Card Holder for Phone Features:
- Convenient solution for keeping your license, credit cards and more readily accessible
- Thin and compact design
- Stretchy lycra is designed to expand to fit headphones, credit cards, money and more
- Contents of the pocket securely stay in place even when held upside down
- 3M self-adhesive on the back of the holder securely attaches it to the back of your phone or back of a smooth phone case
- Self-adhesive backing is residue-free for easy removal
- Measures 2.25 inches wide by 3.75 inches high
Product Specifications (all measurements are outside dimensions at the largest point rounded to the nearest quarter inch)
Width: 2.25"
Height: 3.75"
Depth: .13"
Shipping Weight: 0.5 lbs
Organize-It bases shipping costs off of dimensional weight which is what all carriers base there rates on. The Shipping Weight listed under the Product Specifications tab includes the size of the item, as well as the weight. Therefore, for larger items, the shipping weight may be higher than the actual weight of the item.
For more information and to see shipping rates please visit our Shipping Policy page.
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